Francisco #fromcoach2coach #wetalkonmondays

Jeannice Cummings - Willingness to take that journey

Francisco Reyes Episode 67

Jeanice is a down-to-earth encourager and leader who loves to equip women to choose a life that is free of pain, control, and fear.  Her clients report that she instills belief in them to move forward and her mission is to lead clients from brokenness to wholeness. She is a Certified Relationship Transition Coach, Trainer Speaker and Social Entrepreneur who specializes in working with female professionals transitioning from unhealthy relationships, divorced, or widowed. 

She has helped organizations, judicial systems, community health, and non-profit organizations who work with women to have a sense of empathy and non-judgmental approach to understanding the challenges that women face from traumatic life experiences and loss of relationships that they cherished.  Jeanice has designed a holistic approach that factors in the impact on the children and how to support these women to build new lives and families. 

