Francisco #fromcoach2coach #wetalkonmondays
It's a simple storytelling podcast from professional coaches. They are sharing their own journey of being a professional coach. I hear their stories and I want to share their stories. Hoping listeners can hear them and might want to connect with these amazing professional coaches. #fromcoach2coach; #wetalkonmondays; @fromcoach2coach
154 episodes
Leila Boutaleb Brousse - Get back the Spark
Leila is a seasoned Tech Marketing Leader who has transitioned into a Career and Mental Fitness Coach for High-Achievers. Leila is the founder of EYLEE Growth, a coaching and training practice rooted in the firm belief that well...
Episode 144

Fara Sanchez Torres (ES) - Buscar el Que?
Ayudo a emprendedoras a superar miedos y bloqueos para que puedan trabajar con claridad y bienestar.Newsletter: http://www.recuperatusganasdetrabajar.com/newsletter<...
Episode 143

Rosario Jimenez (ES) - Persona Altamente Sensible (PAS)
Rosario Jiménez Echenique es PAS (Persona Altamente Sensible) y tiene un hijo de 13 años que también lo es. Desde que descubrió este rasgo de personalidad ha hecho de él su nueva pasión y le encanta compartirlo porque conocerlo marcó un ...
Episode 142

Dragan Donkov - Accept and Adapt
Dragan is a Progress Partner and accredited (EMCC) Senior Coach Practitioner and Team Coach, specialising in helping individuals and teams build awareness, gain clarity and confidence, and focus on what matters most to them. Before founding Car...
Episode 141

Gema Gallego (ES) - Madre Salvaje
Soy Gema Gallego una mujer transformada gracias a la maternidad. Tras más de 15 años en una de las Big Four, sin sentirme realizada, la maternidad de mi hijo altamente demandante, me hizo darme cuenta que estaba "sobreviviendo", en vez ...
Episode 140

Joana Orvalho - Step out of your bubble
Joana Fonseca Orvalho was a former Banker turned Career Clarity Coach who helps women to get unstuck at work by helping them to define their next career step based on what brings them joy. She supports them in understanding what is it that ...
Episode 139

Ana Patricia Rodriguez (ES) - Ser nosotros mismos
Asesora y Coach Educativa y de Familia Acompaño a padres que desean transformar su relación con sus hijos, fomentando una comunicación asertiva, en la cual cada voz pueda expresarse y escucharse, aceptando sus diferencias, creando a s...
Episode 138

Catherine Le Liboux - Space to dream
Catherine is ex SVP Growth in Technology turned Certified Mental Fitness Coach for Change-makers and Corporate-preneurs, helping people reshape their professional lives and make their dreams happen.She is also a Mom of two, Fi...
Episode 137

Jorge Amo Alfonso (ES) - Quien soy yo?
Jorge Amo nació en Madrid. Estudió Ingeniería y cursó un MBA en Dirección y Administración de Empresas. Buen sueldo y reconocimiento social no llenaban su vacío existencial. Una pregunta le hizo replantearse todo: “¿quién era él?” A parti...
Episode 136

Grace Harris - Speak From the Heart
Grace Harris is the author of the bestselling memoir “Become The Woman of Your Dreams” – where she shared the first true-life story that’s been written and published, relating to the epidemic of child abandonment in the Philippines. A tru...
Episode 123

Shewmay Chang - Understanding your Money Mindset
Shewmay has shared a simple way to understand the financial wellbeing everyone seeks for. There are two types of mindset regarding money. One is Abundance and the other one is Scarcity. Scarcity is the negative thoughts we place first whe...

Karen Retardo - Challenge to Go There
Karen is a registered nurse, a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach, and an ICF-ACC credentialed coach. One of her greatest frustrations is that women of color, especially Asian women and 1st generation immigrants, are still underrepres...
Episode 139

Jorge Carrillo (ES) - Lograr sus metas
Cursa estudios de Programación Neurolingüistica avalados por la Society of NLP, organización avalada por el fundador de PNL Richard Bandler 2008. Facilitador del Método Holigral bajo la tutela directa de Pam Saunders, creador del m...
Episode 138

Pritam Jha - Knowing yourself
Pritam, a professionally certified coach with over two decades of leadership experience in science and technology at multiple Fortune 100 companies, brings expertise from his life and work journey into his coaching. His corporate experience is ...
Episode 135

Beatriz de la Poza - Unlearn what we know
Beatriz has worked with coaching clients from over 20 different countries. She works in English and Spanish, delivering training and coaching programs in career and personal orientation, leadership, and entrepreneurship. She is an expert ...
Episode 133

Andrea Knudsen (ES) - Que dice tu cuerpo
Andrea Knudsen es mentora de Marketing, Coach Ontológica y Movilizadora CorporalSu propósito es impulsar a mujeres con magia (sanadoras, coaches y terapeutas) para que vivan de su propósito, expandan su impacto, disfruten de las vent...
Episode 134

Elpida Trizi - Offering Experiences
Elpida, aka Hope, as per the meaning of her Greek name, brings to coaching more than 20 years of experience in corporate communication and international relations, of which 10 years abroad. Curiosity, her personal self-discovery quest and growt...
Episode 132

Tanesha Moody - Serving Others
Tanesha Moody is a distinguished coach and speaker celebrated for her dynamic integration of event marketing expertise and transformational coaching. With a diverse background that spans from Broadway’s First National Tour of Mean Girls to ...
Episode 131

Elena Naranjo (ES) - Que necesito?
Hace años, decidí embarcarme en el camino del crecimiento personal yaprender sobre Desarrollo Personal.Una vez completada mi formación, opté por emprender como coach ymentora, para acompañar a las personas en su camino hacia el<...
Episode 129

Lina Lo - Feeling the word
Lina used to be a NASA scientist studying the role of the ocean in global climate change. She was a research scientist, management consultant, Ph.D. scholar while working full-time, and has been working in the international development...
Episode 130

Erin Conlon - Possibilities
With a unique blend of legal acumen, entrepreneurial spirit, and a decade of stand-up comedy, Erin Conlon brings an unconventional yet powerful perspective to the world of leadership and transformation. As a seasoned executive coach, non-practi...
Episode 128

Beatriz de la Poza (ES) - Conocerse a si mismo
Coach y COO de la empresa Jamaicana, Soul Career . Beatriz vive en Barbados desde hace 7 años. MBA y más de 12 años de experiencia en multinacionales americanas como Avery Dennison y Amazon. Cuatro países y tres idiomas, m...
Episode 127

Venkateshwari (Venky) - Convert Pain to Power
Venkateshwari (Venky) , a Leadership Coach, collaborates with leaders to strengthen their relationship with themselves. With 18 years of corporate experience, she transitioned to coaching, driven by a passion for fostering safe environments...
Episode 126